
EEGLAB is a Matlab-based open source toolbox for the analysis of EEG data, developed by Scott Makeig and Arnaud Delorme at Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience (SCCN). After visiting the SCCN in Summer 2003, I became infected with the EEGLAB virus. To spread this virus, I have been giving certified tutorials on "Usage of EEGLAB" in Germany, The Netherlands and England. EEGLAB is oriented towards single-trial analysis and independent compoment analysis, but also provides many powerful functions for more conventional time domain analysis like ERPs. You can download EEGLAB for free. The goal of the tutorial is to familiarize those being new to EEGLAB/Matlab with this software package, explain ways to get started, demonstrate the power of EEGLAB/Matlab scripting, and so on. The current tutorial is a 2-day course that includes a mix of lectruex and plenty of hands-on practicum sessions. If you are interested in attending or hosting upcoming EEGLAB tutorials, contact me [].

Previous Tutorials
Past Workshops (with S. Makeig, A. Delorme, TP Jung, J. Onton, R. Oostenveld)